The NAGASAWA Ichiro Retrospective Exhibition "Looking through Buddha"

DatesSep 18 (Thu), 2003 - Oct 5 (Sun), 2003

The NAGASAWA Ichiro Retrospective Exhibition

Session: September 18. (Thu.) - October 5 (Sun.), 2003
Closed on Mondays
Hours: 10:00-17:00 (entry by 16:30, exceptionally open on September 18. at 15:00)
Place: Chinretsukan Gallery, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
Admission: free
This exhibition focuses mainly on the progress of the research by the Division of Conservation and Restoration Techniques for Sculpture. A series of X-ray pictures shows the inside of Buddhist statues which is invisible from the outer surface. It reflects the development and undergoing of the statues including Buddhist statues introduced from foreign countries and sculptures made in the early Meiji period in Japan.
Observation of the statues' inner side makes it possible to imagine the enthusiasm and contemplation of sculptor.
Scientific investigation is indispensable in addition to traditional technique for these researches and conservations.
We would be glad if some association can be brought out from the photo images obtained by the use of examination machineries and instruments.

Organized by The Unversity Art Museum and Department of Fine Arts, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music

Produced by the Division of Conservation and Restoration Techniques for Sculpture

Cooperated by CAD-CENTER CORPORATION/ Sony Corporation / Shinyakushi-ji temple / Nyoi-ji temple


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  • 東京藝術大学
  • たいけん美じゅつ場 VIVA
  • 近現代美術史・大学史研究センター
  • 東京・ミュージアム ぐるっとパス
  • 東京藝術大学大学美術館 X

© 東京藝術大学大学美術館 The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts, all rights reserved
