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  • Retirement Exhibition of Tom Heneghan SPECUTLATIONS -Ideas in Modern Architecture-


Retirement Exhibition of Tom Heneghan SPECUTLATIONS -Ideas in Modern Architecture-

DatesJan 8 (Tue), 2019 - Jan 20 (Sun), 2019

Retirement Exhibition of Tom Heneghan SPECUTLATIONS -Ideas in Modern Architecture-


Jan 8 (Tue) - Jan 20 (Sun), 2019


Jan 15 (Tue), 2019


10:00 - 17:00 (Entry by 16:30)
* Jan 17 (Thu) until 19:00 (Entry by 18:30)


Chinretsukan Gallery 1F (The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts)



Organized by Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts; The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts

Supported by Tokyo Geidai Masters Fund

Sponsored by Kimitaka Sohdai, Norio Nakagawa, Kazuo Nakamura, Hiroshi Yagi, KITANO Construction Corp., Kinden, Maeda Corporation

8 years ago, Professor Tom Heneghan began the construction of a lecture series that concentrated on the important role of introducing to Year 1 students that architects are involved in both physical and intellectual creativity. The title of the lectures was "Ideas in Architecture", and that issue was developed by examining architecture by the themes of its ideas - not by its dates.
The themes were:
Architecture and Precedent / Invention
Architecture and Revolution
Architecture and 'Zeitgeist' (the spirit of the era)
Architecture and Technology
Architecture and Tectonics
Architecture and Nature
Architecture and Light / View
Architecture and Light
Architecture and Meaning
The 'thematic' structure of the lectures is unusual - historians tend to base their lectures on dates. But, Prof Heneghan is a practicing architect, and his interest is how architects express their ideas in their designs of buildings.
These themes remained the same each year, but - unlike usual lecturer courses - Prof Heneghan changed the contents of the lectures every year, as his personal research into contemporary and historical architecture evolved. Many Geidai students who heard Prof Heneghan's lectures during their Year 1 course, returned, during their later years, and even during their Masters course, to hear how Prof Heneghan had developed and evolved the lectures. Every year the lectures have also been attended by foreign Exchange Students - many of whom have commented that Prof. Heneghan's lecture course is far better than equivalent courses at their home universities. Additionally, Heneghan has been asked to deliver some of the lectures, also at other universities in Tokyo, and also at the University of Sydney, Australia.
This exhibition is to show compilation of these thoughts from a point of view.


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