Chinese students in Tokyo University of the Arts

DatesAug 3 (Sat), 2024 - Aug 11 (Sun), 2024

Chinese students in Tokyo University of the Arts


Aug 3 (Sat) - Aug 11 (Sun), 2024


Open throughout the session period


10:00 - 18:00 (Entry by 17:30)


Chinretsukan Gallery 1F, 2F (The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts)



Organized by Art Media Center, Tokyo University of the Arts
Co-organized by The Center of Creative Inheritance for the Future , Tokyo University of the Arts
Sponsored by SAKAWA Law Offices
Supported by The Yoshino Gypsum Art Foundation , Nomura Foundation, TOKYO GEIDAI Center of Creative Inheritance for the Future "Practical Use of Artistic Resources" project

Exhibition Outline

This exhibition is supported by the Tokyo University of the Arts "Artistic Resources Utilization Project". It presents the results of investigations into the archives and historical materials related to Geidai (formerly the Tokyo Fine Arts School and the Tokyo Music School). Over a year and a half, research was conducted focusing on Chinese international students and graduates, resulting in the compilation of a chronological record of Chinese students at Tokyo University of the Arts. Starting with Li Shutong, who graduated in 1911, the exhibition reveals the contributions of Chinese students at Tokyo University of the Arts in promoting cultural exchange between China and Japan. This project, inspired by Chizuko Yoshida's research "Research on Modern East Asian Art Students - Historical Materials of Students at the Tokyo Fine Arts School," aims to continue related research and pass it on to future generations.
The exhibition at the University Museum outstanding works by current Chinese students and graduates. The project focuses on cultural exchange between China and Japan, reflecting on the history of Chinese students building bridges of friendship between the two countries and connecting it to the future.


NTT Hello Dial: 050-5541-8600

We would appreciate your understanding that the museum might be closed, or opening hours changed without prior notice depending on weather conditions, disasters, etc. Please call hello dial: 050-5541-8600

  • 東京藝術大学
  • たいけん美じゅつ場 VIVA
  • 近現代美術史・大学史研究センター
  • 東京・ミュージアム ぐるっとパス
  • 東京藝術大学大学美術館 X

© 東京藝術大学大学美術館 The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts, all rights reserved
